• The Fried Team Joins Elegran Real Estate From Compass, Inc.,Jewish Link

    The Fried Team Joins Elegran Real Estate From Compass, Inc.

    (Courtesy of Elegran Real Estate) Forbes Global Properties, he tech-driven brokerage firm in New York City, recently announced that Judah Fried—founder of The Fried Team at Compass, Inc.—has joined the company. The six-person team includes James Maaba, Rachael Casasanta, Denise Nalibotsky, Jordana


  • What luxury home buyers look for in their prime properties,Financial Express

    What luxury home buyers look for in their prime properties

    These are the top priorities for luxury home buyers today.   Forbes Global Properties surveyed professionals from Forbes Global Properties member brokerages and asked them to share luxury home-buyer priorities in their respective property markets in order to better understand the preferences of to


  • Ranking NYC’s best-selling residential brokerages of 2022,The Real Deal

    Ranking NYC’s best-selling residential brokerages of 2022

    TRD's annual ranking of the resi firms that rule Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens It was the best of times and the worst of times last year for New York’s residential brokerages. The year began on a high carried over from 2021’s record-breaking post-lockdown bonanza, but the spring of hope quickly be


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